
Kituo cha Uhusiano wa Kimataifa cha Dkt. Salim Ahmed Salim

Mafunzo ya Muda Mfupi, Tafiti, Ushauri na Machapisho


The Department of Short Courses, Research, Consultancy and Publications cater for the provision of consultancy services, coordinates the conduct of research and short courses. The commitment of the CFR to research and consultancy activities is provided for under articles 3(c, d, e, f and g) of the 1978 Constitution of the Centre. The specific functions of the Centre relating to research and outreach services as so provided by the law include: 

  1. Researching in research in problems and needs of selected    subjects   and to evaluate the results achieved by training programs;
  2. Provision of advisory and other ancillary services to the governments and such other bodies or organizations as may be determined by the Governing Council;
  3.  Sponsoring, arranging or providing facilities for conferences and seminars on subjects within the competence of the Centre;
  4. Arranging for the publication and general dissemination of materials produced in connection with the work and activities of the Centre; and
  5. carrying out transactions which, in the opinion of the Governing Council, are geared towards the performance to facilitate the proper and efficient of functions of the Centre.

The Centre finances research projects which are conducted by academic staff of the Centre in research areas focused by the Centre. In the area of consultancy, the Centre provides services to its stakeholders but also offers consultancy opportunities to its academic staff.

The International Diplomatic Review Journal (IDRJ)

The Centre publishes its scholarly works in its peer reviewed journal of the International Diplomatic Review Journal (IDRJ) which is issued twice annually in June and December. The focus of the journal is in line with one of the Centre’s core functions which is to provide Competence Based Education Training (CBET), high quality research and consultancy services in the areas of Diplomacy, Protocol, International Relations and other related areas which are demand-driven, reflective and responsive to the policy needs of Tanzania. The journal enables dissemination and sharing of well researched and analysed social and economic development issues. The International Diplomatic Review Journal is open to both local and international contributors. Authors can get more information about how they can submit their manuscript to IDRJ for publication in the Centre’s website.

Provision of Short courses and Training

During the past years the department successfully provided knowledge and skills to the mid and senior level officials through provision of short courses in, Protocol, International Relations, Diplomacy, Etiquette, Conflict Resolution etc.

Currently, the department offers the following short courses;

  1. Protocol and Public Relations,
  2. Protocol and Etiquette,
  3. Business Negotiation,
  4. Economic Diplomacy,
  5. Cyber Security,
  6. Trade and Investment Promotion,
  7. Essential of Conflict Resolution and Mediation Skills,
  8. Languages (French for beginners and Intermediate level; Arabic for beginners and Intermediate level, Kiswahili for Foreigners),
  9. Scholarly writing skills,
  10. Leadership and Negotiation and
  11. Public Diplomacy.

Delivery Method for Short Courses

Delivery: Lectures, discussions, case studies and simulations

Duration: Five (5) days (full time 8:00am to 4:00pm)

Assessment: Non-examinable 

Entry qualification: Diploma or Degree in any discipline

Award: Certificate of attendance

Language of Communication: Kiswahili and English

Fee: TShs. 650,000/= which also covers Breakfast, lunch, and stationery

Payment Mode: The Centre for Foreign Relations

                         NMB Bank, A/C No. 20101100203 –.

Coordinators of the Programme: Mr.Abraham Ng’eni

         Email: abra.org@yahoo.com

                      Phone: 0784225225

                      Mr. Emmanuel Shayo,

                      Email: Immajshayo@yahoo.com

                     Phone: 0755428537

Short Courses Calendar for 2021

Course Title



Protocol and Etiquette

08-12 February 2021

Dar Es Salaam

Economic Diplomacy

01-05 March 2021

Dar Es Salaam

Protocol and Public Relations

15-19 March 2021

Dar Es Salaam

Leadership and Negotiations

29 Mar - 02 Apr 2021

Dar Es Salaam

Protocol and Public Relations

05-09 April 2021

Dar Es Salaam

Economic Diplomacy

03 -07 May 2021

Dar Es Salaam

International Security and Arms Control

24 - 28 May 2021

Dar Es Salaam

Essential of Conflict Resolution and Mediation

07-11 June 2021

Dar Es Salaam

Mastering the Art of Business Negotiations

21-25 June 2021

Dar Es Salaam

Protocol and Etiquette

12 -16 July 2021

Dar Es Salaam

Cyber Security

26 -  30 July 2021

Dar Es Salaam

Mastering the Art of Business Negotiations

09- 13 August 2021

Dar Es Salaam

Protocol and Public Relations

23-27 August 2021

Dar Es Salaam

Trade and Investment Promotion For Local Authorities

06 -10 September 2021

Dar Es Salaam

Economic Diplomacy for Industrial Development

20 - 24 September 2021

Dar Es Salaam

Leadership and Negotiations

04 - 08 October 2021

Dar Es Salaam

Essentials of Conflict Resolution and Mediation skills

25 - 29 October 2021

Dar Es Salaam

Trade and Investment Promotion For Local Authorities

01-05 November 2021

Dar Es Salaam

Protocol and Public Relations

22-26 November 2021

Dar Es Salaam

International Security and Arms Control

06-10 December 2021

Dar Es Salaam


Ag.Head of Department

Ms. Janeth Malleo: BA in Economics, PGD in Trade Law & Trade Policy (Trade Policy Training Centre in Africa),, MA in Economics (UDSM).

Research Coordinator

Mr.Said S.Hakum: BA Ed, MAEd (UDSM)

Short Courses Coordinators

Mr. Emmanuel Shayo: BA(Tumaini), MA in Peace and Conflict Resolution (KIU).

Mr. Abraham Ng’eni: BA-PsPA (UDSM), MA in International Cooperation and Development (Open University of Tanzania) *